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November 01, 2010

As I mentioned on the website Twitter yesterday I was in fact working on a new design for the site, and as it turns out I finished it much sooner than expected. I know many will agree in saying the last version was also very nice, and as much as I liked it I just wasn’t liking it as much as I once did. Plus, how could I resist the gorgeous Details Magazine shoot? You guys understand. 😉 I hope you all like the new design including the new design on the IMG Archive as well, so be sure to check that out.

I would love to hear what you guys have to say about the new designs so please feel free to leave a comment. 🙂

Site Related : 12 Comments : 
12 Comments to "3, 2, 1…Version 13 has officially launched!"
  1. Holly says:

    It’s gorgeous!!!!!!!!

  2. Brigitte Wenk says:

    Nice new look

  3. katy says:

    Brilliant job!!!

  4. S@n says:


  5. D says:

    Gorgeous! Nrgh! It’s hard to scroll down from that. Love how you worked in the different Details shots. Thank you for the beautiful updates.

  6. Matt says:

    OMG! Amazing, the best one, congratulations.

  7. Naomi says:

    Wow, I could stare at this all day. Looks gorgeous.

  8. mary says:


  9. Karen K says:

    You have done such an excellent job maintaining this site!!! I don’t even look anywhere else for the latest info on the gorgeous and talented Mr. Pine! Thanks!!!!!