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May 27, 2009

I’ve uploaded high quality scans of Chris’s fashion spread from the June ’09 issue of GQ Magazine as well as the May 25th edition of People Magazine. Thanks to Jas for the People scan. 😀

Gallery Link: Magazines / Publications > GQ Magazine ( June 2009 )

Gallery Link: Magazines / Publications > People Magazine ( May 25, 2009 )

Photos : 3 Comments : 
3 Comments to "People Magazine & GQ Magazine scans!"
  1. Robin says:

    Awww, he’s going to be an Uncle. How sweet!

  2. Erin says:

    Robin I was about to say the same thing! I would love to see hm with kids <3

    And that People scan doesn’t really look like him. His eyes look dark.

  3. maxdil says:

    thanks amazing photos….so cute