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October 29, 2010

I have decided to post photos of Chris on the set of any of his future projects, which includes the movie he has been currently filming ‘This Means War’ as well. I do, however have every intention of remaining paparazzi free as the on set photos will be pertaining toward his career and latest projects rather than invading his personal life. I hope I do not offend anyone by choosing to do this.

In the mean time I have added photos of Chris on the set of ‘This Means War’ in Vancouver, Canada from when production first began.

Gallery Link:
Filmography: Film Projects > This Means War (2011) > On Set

Photos : Site Related : This Means War : 1 Comment : 
1 Comment to "Chris Filming ‘This Means War’ – Add Ons"
  1. S@n says:

    Carol that’s great, I do not consider the photos on the set as an invasion of privacy and I think the filmmakers may not like, but is advertising for the film, is not it?
    I liked it!