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January 29, 2011

I’ve added 4 photos from January 21st and 20 photos from January 26th of Chris filming scenes for his upcoming movie ‘Welcome To People’ which also stars Elizabeth Banks and Olivia Wilde!

Big thanks to Dbiloo of Jon Hamm Source for the January 26th photos.

Gallery Links:
On Set > 01/21/11 – On the set in Los Angeles, CA
On Set > 01/26/11 – On the set in Los Angeles, CA

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16 Comments to "January 21st & 26th filming ‘Welcome To People’"
  1. s@n says:

    Okay Carol! I get it! So it was a “candid photo” and it was Sunday, January 23, 2011 and Chris was not filming that day it seems!

    Hmmm! Chris Pine was dressed to kill, lol, with that irresistible sweater! The way he likes to dress when going to the coffee shop and everywhere! hahahahah! I love it!

    I agree with you no candids here!

    But now I’m DYING to know who was that “hot girl” with CHRIS PINE! LOL!

    • Carol says:

      Yea, I didn’t realize it was a candid when I first put it up until I really gave it a good look. As for whom the woman is, I’m almost 100% sure it’s Laura Vandervoort. She is an actress and was also in This Means War, so they are probably just friends.

  2. s@n says:

    Yes I think you’re right, seems to be Laura!

    Maybe they got “something” in Vancouver, after all Chris Pine has to warm the heart and body, right? And she’s hot! hahahahah!

    Thanks for the reply!

  3. Anne says:

    I was also wondering if the dates are wrong. Maybe the picture of Chris and Laura was taken in Sept, Oct, or Nov of 2010 in Canda? Since there has not been any other mention on other internet sites about this couple getting coffee. Just a guess?

    This is my first time commenting on this site. I think you are doing a great job representing Mr. pine.

    Thank-you for reading this post.

    • Carol says:

      @Anne The date is correct, it was taken in Los Angeles. There is no guarantee it is her, but from seeing her act she looks a whole lot like her.

      @Donna Married, engaged or not they can still be friends.

  4. donna says:

    Laura Vandervoort is married!! She also stars on the show V

  5. donna says:

    Looking at the pics, thats not Laura Vandervoort thats Elizabeth Banks!! Whoops

  6. s@n says:

    Funny! As people get frustrated when they have Chris Pine accompanied by a lady! hahahahhah!

    And yes Carol is right, she’s Laura Vandervoort(married or not), lol, or a lookalike of her because the nose is unmistakable!

    And of course they are friends, because it would not be a good idea “dating the enemy”, right? LOL!

  7. s@n says:

    @ Donna – If you haven’t noticed yet, we were commenting on a picture that is no longer posted here!

    Why not came out on gossip sites? I have no idea because I do not know the source of that photo, may not have been taken by a pap! Maybe Carol can clarify this!

    And maybe “the two gorgeous” they are just friends! Incidentally I have never heard that Laura is married! LOL!

  8. Anne says:

    I guess she is engaged to Corey Sevier. They have been going out for 5 years.

  9. S@n says:

    @ Anne – five years is a long time, I suspect it’s over, or they are taking a break in their relationship!

    Because someone seriously compromised, go to a coffee shop with an alleged “only” friend and takes the coffee to eat together on his or her home or in the car, oh I do not know! Two people young and VERY ATRACTIVE!

    But it may be, of course! LOL!

  10. ? says:

    I thought no gossip was allowed @ this site? These comments by S@N are seriously scaring me. Chris can’t have friends? He must be dating this woman because they left a coffee shop carrying drinks? This is crazyness.

    • Carol says:

      I agree with you, whoever you are “?” – I had made a mistake with one of the candids I posted that I had thought was from the set of ‘Welcome To People’ and I quickly found out it wasn’t and removed it. I don’t think it’s really any of our business to speculate or assume anything. Chris is a grown man and can have female friends without being involved romantically with them.

  11. s@n says:

    @? – Whoever you are, because I’m always S @ n here! I also think Chris Pine can do what he want with his private life, my comments are not a “trial”!

    I just do not panic when he’s dating someone, how many fans do!
    Chris is a healthy young adult and it is entitled to date who he want, even if Laura is the case, I did not offend either of them with my comment!

    And I warned “Carol”, about that picture, because I usually make comments here once in a while, and you? not have to give me moral lesson!
    Because I’ll always be defending Chris in any forum, by the way!

  12. s@n says:

    @Carol, I didn’t know we couldn’t make frivolous and entertaining comments here once in a while!

    I doubt that Chris Pine wants a temple built to him with no fun!

    Sorry if I offended anyone!

  13. donna says:

    Sorry, but I thought you were talking about the movie pics! I have no problem with Chris Pine dating. I wrote in another comment section (the one about Jack Ryan) that he should check out the actress Angela Sarafyan. I think they would make a cute couple.