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November 21, 2011

As many of you saw I had recently put the site on a temporary BRB while I finished up the new design, which you so happen to be viewing now. I really wanted something smooth and all around simple, but still have all the important details you all have come to like such as Chris’ latest projects and so forth. In addition to the new design on both the site and the gallery I have also taken the time to edit and update all the pages as well as add a new page for The Pine-Nuts. On that page, you will read about who and what The Pine-Nuts are, and what we do, and how you may even participate.

I hope you all like the new design, and if you could, I would love to see what you guys have to say so please leave a comment below. 🙂

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6 Comments to "Brand New Site & Gallery Designs Now Live!"
  1. Alid Misli says:

    Congrats on the new template! nice to see it refresh!

  2. S@n says:

    Yes Carol! Great!!!

  3. Angel says:

    Wow! The site looks really nice! Great job! 🙂

  4. Matt says:

    Looove it *-*

  5. Hakka says:

    Awesome new look!

  6. Carol says:

    Thanks you guys! I’m so glad you all like the new look. 🙂