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June 04, 2009

Well today is marks The Chris Pine Network’s official turn to 2 years old! Wow! I cannot believe it’s actually be two years already. I don’t want to be cheesy with a long drawn out speech of how hard it was to get here, yada yada blah blah blah but you guys can figure it out. We’ll save the speech for the 5 year birthday hehe!

To get straight to the point here the fact is I love each and every one of you guys so much for taking the time to visit, especially those of you who take the time to leave feedback and even more so to those I’ve become great friends with because of the site…Carrie, Luciana, Mata, and Ian to name a few! <3 And frankly I couldn't have done any of this without Chris of course! Chris is the reason the site even exists and I'm still so proud to see him come as far as he has. Here's to another awesome year! 😀 As promised I have replaced the already uploaded previews with slightly larger border-less versions. Also for those wondering I will continue releasing the rest of this shoot through the coming week or so. I may change to every other day instead of every day or I may keep it the same, I'm haven't decided.

Gallery Link: Photo Sessions > Session #022

Photos : 14 Comments : 
14 Comments to "Exclusive: CW Photoshoot preview set #07 & CPN’s BIRTHDAY!"
  1. Erin says:

    WOOT! Congrats on two years 🙂 I cannot thank you enough for this site, where else would I get my Chris fix? You’re dong an amazing job.

  2. Casey says:

    Happy Anniversary!!!! Thank you so much for everything. My job would be so boring if I couldn’t check this site several times a day!

  3. Robin says:

    Happy Anniversary! This site is awesome and you are due so much credit. Am loving that C. Watts photoshoot. Chris has such seductive eyes.

  4. eric says:

    Congrats on turning 3

  5. monica montes de oca says:

    hola, quiero felicitarte por el exito que tienes y aprovecho para decir que tienes los ojos más tiernos que he visto, saludos y besos.

  6. Nadine says:

    Congrats Carol. This site is amazing. Thanks for all the hard work you put into it.

  7. RICK says:

    Only coming to this terrific site recently, it’s easy to see why it’s so popular.
    Beautiful work. Happy Anniversary and many more to come!

  8. Steph says:

    Congrats on your two year anniversary! =) This site is amazing and by far one of the few sites I visit like, every other day. Keep up the great work and I hope you have many more anniversaries to come, too! =)

  9. Isabel says:

    Hey, Happy Anniversary guys! I’m so glad this place exists- Keep up the great work! C=

  10. pinelicious says:

    happy anniversary! You’re doing a great job with this site Carol, so keep up the great work! 🙂

    • Carol says:

      You guys are so awesome, thank you so much for the congrats! You guys are as much responsible for this as me, because without you guys the site would have went nowhere! 😀

  11. Clover says:


    i dunno what all of us chris pine fans would have done without you and your fantastic updates. all the photographs and the details and everything. you did a fantastic job with the site. here’s to two more and many more years of chris pine love. <3

  12. Jen says:

    Happy Anniversary to CPO!!!! I wish you many more years and thank you for such a great website. Beautiful, beautiful designs as well. Congrats again!

  13. Kelly says:

    Congrats on 2 years! You’ve made a great site here for those following this amazing actor’s career! I wish you many more successful years!