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Latest Photos

April 28, 2010

I want to apologize for not updating with the latest photos of Chris out at a few events this past week. I’ve been busy and sort of unmotivated to keep up my websites lately but I promise to catch up soon as soon as I can get my new computer fully set up. I’m adjusting to Windows 7 and transferring all my files so it may be this weekend, but I promise guys! 😀

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4 Comments to "Updates are coming.."
  1. Tenley says:

    That’s ok…we love you anyways…
    I gotta say this is the best site for Chris out there these days…
    You’re doing a wonderful job!!

    • Carol says:

      Thank you soooo much guys for the warm and kind words. Your support helps more than I can explain. Thanks! <3

  2. Richard says:

    Looking forward to them Carol!

  3. Bev Sharp says:

    Looking forward. Please keep up the good work. I love to know what he is upto.