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November 12, 2010

I’ve added 146 HD captures of Chris from his appearances on The Ellen DeGeneres Show from earlier today.

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Screen Captures > Guest Appearances > 11/12/2010 – The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Interviews : Photos : Unstoppable : 2 Comments : 
2 Comments to "The Ellen DeGeneres Show Video & Captures"
  1. s@n says:

    Thanks again, Carol!
    I don’t know what you think of the interview, but I think that Ellen was not very inspired today!
    The interview for Star Trek, last year was much better!
    But Chris was gorgeous as always!
    Definitely Chris interviews for Jay Leno and Jimmy Kimmel were better than this!

  2. Cali says:

    Thanks for posting all of these interviews. Overall, Chris comes across as more relaxed and confident in all these. Not that I thought he seemed overly nervous last year, but just overall, you can see a different sort of maturity with him.

    I think all of his interviews have been on the short side, except maybe Leno. I really liked him when he was on Letterman last year, and am disappointed he isn’t doing Letterman again.

    He is adorable in all of these interviews. Very fun to watch