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May 03, 2013

I have added 4 photos of Chris with his Into Darkness nemesis Benedict Cumberbatch visiting The Graham Norton Show yesterday to promote the second film in the rebooted Star Trek franchise.

The episode was taped yesterday and will air later today for those of you who live in the UK. For those of you in America, like myself, if you have the BBC America channel the episode with Chris won’t air until Thursday May 9th at 10PM.

Gallery Link:
2013 > 05/02/13 – Visiting The Graham Norton Show

Photos : 1 Comment : 
1 Comment to "Chris Stops by The Graham Norton Show!"
  1. Christiane Ramos da Silva says:

    Gostaria de saber se pode colocar no ar essa entrevista
    Eu tenho BBC mais não sei se é o que vai passar a entrevista.