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June 04, 2014

Today marks the seven year anniversary of the day I first opened the site, and I have to say, I am extremely proud. When I first opened the site I never had any idea of how long it would be around, how much I would enjoy working on it or how I would grow to admire and respect Chris as much as I do today.

It’s been a bit of a bumpy ride, but in the end it has been worth it. It has been very fun to get to know many new people and fellow fans, including the infamous Pine-Nuts, which still makes me smile knowing that our little group started here with my little site. And it would be nothing without Chris, but more importantly the fans and visitors.

So, I guess the only thing left to say is thank you. 🙂

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1 Comment to "The Chris Pine Network Turns 7!"
  1. Bridgitte says:

    Thank you SO much for your tireless work here!

    This is my go-to site for all things “Piney” and it constantly amazes me how much information you post.

    Congrats on the 7 years, and here’s to many more! 🙂