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August 12, 2015

Hi, guys! I’ve noticed an influx of emails asking about the gallery and why the images aren’t accessible. I explained on our Twitter page, but I know not all of you do the social media thing or perhaps you missed the tweets. Nonetheless, here is what you need to know: The gallery is FINE and will live to see another day. The gallery may have a bunch of broken images in it for the time being but as of last night the actual image files are being uploaded to our new host. That’s over 40,000 files and 14GB worth of Chris Pine photos. So even with my super fast internet speed it’s still taking a bit of time. Long story short is that I moved the gallery from our previous host earlier this year, which is why the gallery has a new domain (no longer the .org domain) but sadly the host I moved it too recently had to shut down after over 15 years of fantastic service. So on top of having to find a new home for my Chris Pine gallery, I have also been trying to find a new home for my other sites as well. It has been a very trying week so far and it’s only eased a fraction. The positive thing is that the gallery should be back to working order tomorrow, if not Friday at the latest if something causes a delay.

I appreciate all the support for Chris and the site, and obviously your concern for the gallery. I know what joy Chris’ smile can invoke, so I can hardly blame you guys.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter if you “Tweet” so that you can receive the latest update on the gallery and more.

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