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December 17, 2016

I’ve added photos of Chris spotted on the set of his upcoming film A Wrinkle In Time from December 14th. You can view those in the gallery now.

A Wrinkle in Time : Photos : 2 Comments : 
2 Comments to "Chris On The Set of ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ – December 14th"
  1. Tracy Lynn Clark. says:

    Hi Chris I can’t wait to see your next new movie I love all of the movies you’ve made I think your a great actor and a brilliant man.

  2. Barbara C Sullivan says:

    Hey, Chris, This has nothing to do with A Wrinkle in Time but rather in your brilliant flash of an advertising appeal in hocking Armani. What an impressive and unexpected smile! Kudos to your agent! Doubt this can sift through your levels of management to you……but I hope it does. You are a talented actor, no doubt, but think there is even more…there.

    BTW…branching out in your profession is smart, smart business. Another plus!