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June 06, 2009

I’ve added 3 high quality photos of Chris from last night’s Opening Night of “Oleanna” at the Mark Taper Forum.

Among those in the audience at the Taper were Chris Pine, fresh from “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” seated next to Chris Noth (“Sex in the City’), his co-star in the upcoming Geffen Playhouse production of “Farragut North.” Apparently the “Farragut” cast likes to hang out together on off days because Isiah Whitlock and Olivia Thirlby also were there. (Culture Monster will let you know whether Bill Pullman and Julia Stiles return the favor at the “Farragut” opening later this month.) “Oleanna” director Doug Hughes happens to be staging “Farragut North” so we expect to see him again in Westwood at the Geffen.

source: latimes blog

Gallery Link: 2009 > 06/05/2009 – Opening Night “Oleanna” at the Mark Taper Forum

News : Photos : 4 Comments : 
June 06, 2009

I’ve added another set of high quality photos of Chris from the April 26th ‘Star Trek’ press conference in Los Angeles, California.

Gallery Link: 04/26/2009 – Star Trek press conference at the Four Seasons Hotel

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June 05, 2009

Continuing on with another preview set 🙂

Gallery Link: Photo Sessions > Session #022

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June 04, 2009

Well today is marks The Chris Pine Network’s official turn to 2 years old! Wow! I cannot believe it’s actually be two years already. I don’t want to be cheesy with a long drawn out speech of how hard it was to get here, yada yada blah blah blah but you guys can figure it out. We’ll save the speech for the 5 year birthday hehe!

To get straight to the point here the fact is I love each and every one of you guys so much for taking the time to visit, especially those of you who take the time to leave feedback and even more so to those I’ve become great friends with because of the site…Carrie, Luciana, Mata, and Ian to name a few! <3 And frankly I couldn't have done any of this without Chris of course! Chris is the reason the site even exists and I'm still so proud to see him come as far as he has. Here's to another awesome year! 😀 As promised I have replaced the already uploaded previews with slightly larger border-less versions. Also for those wondering I will continue releasing the rest of this shoot through the coming week or so. I may change to every other day instead of every day or I may keep it the same, I'm haven't decided.

Gallery Link: Photo Sessions > Session #022

Photos : 14 Comments :