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September 14, 2017

As you can see, our website has a new look! I’ve planned to do it on the site birthday, to celebrate its 10 years online, but wasn’t able to do it. BUT, better late than never, here is it! It was made by our very talented friend Jasper and its using the amazing promotional Saturday Night Live photoshoot.

We hope you like it as much as we did, and please, let us know if you see any error!

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June 26, 2017

Hey, Pine-Nuts!
I know it’s been a bit since anyone last heard from me. Admittedly that was not my intention to disappear on everyone. The fact is, life has been a little all over the place this year and hasn’t allowed much time to spend on online hobbies like updating the site for example. In addition to this, and probably more importantly my own personal interest in the site has lessened in the past couple of years. I fought it and kept to the path and somehow summoned enough motivation to keep the site up-to-date until this year. Sadly, as things often do in life, my passion and motivation for the site weren’t what it use to be. Even with the ten year anniversary this June, I was left feeling less excitement over the achievement. It no longer felt like a fun pastime but at times it even felt like a job. It felt like I had to force myself to update the site. As much as I would absolutely love to continue with the site I can see that I am no longer the right person for the task. So, after many many weeks of procrastination and tossing around the idea of closing the site, I finally found a solution.

So, on that note, I am happy to announce that I am formally handing over the site to a very good friend of mine, Luciana. Luciana you may know already from her very fantastic sites such as Zachary Quinto Network and Jessica Chastain Network, to name a few! I’ve known Luciana for nearly as long as I have owned CPN and if anyone can do as good a job as me, or frankly a better job, it will be Luciana. I know she will do a wonderful job with the site and continue to keep the Pine-Nuts community updated with all the latest news and photos on Chris’s career as he continues to grow.

The truth is I am sad to hand the site over to someone else when I could likely continue to run it myself but when it comes down to the facts, I simply don’t have the same passion or drive for the site as I use to. The site has been apart of my life for ten years and it’s been a fantastic escape for me when life got tough, not to mention all the beautiful friends I’ve made along the way. I am still very much a big fan and supporter of Chris, so as you can imagine it’s bittersweet, to say the least, but I know it’s the right decision for me. I really couldn’t imagine the site closed after all this time and I’m very, very thankful for my friend Luciana and our mutual friend Bubbles as well for taking it on. The Pine-Nuts fandom deserves better than a site being updated half-heartedly instead of the passion and enthusiasm I was once able to deliver.

And so I would like to send a very big thank you to each and every one of you. Yes, you! You wonderful visitors are what made running the site all these years worthwhile even when I wasn’t feeling particularly motivated to update the site, your gratitude, and interaction with me made it worth the effort. You stuck with me all these years, even before me and a select few gathered on an old forum way back when and brainstormed our infamous fandom name, The Pine-Nuts. It’s been a wild ride and one I will remember fondly. So, again, thank you!

Ps – Be on the lookout for brand new updates on the site soon!
XOXO Carol

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June 04, 2016

Hey guys! So today being June 4th it marks the ninth year the site has been online. I know! It’s completely crazy to me to think I’ve had my site for nearly ten years. It’s been a wild ride so far and it’s still such a joy to support Chris and see him continue to grow as an actor. I can only hope to keep doing this for a good while longer.

Thank you all for the support that you all have shown me and my site through the years. It’s is always noticed and always appreciated. 🙂

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January 17, 2016

Hey guys! So after what I believe was a two-year run (holy cow!) with our previous design I’ve finally had the time and motivation to create a new look for the site. I think it’s a nice change-up from our previous look, even though I totally adore the photos featured on the previous design. But hey, most photos of Chris are just easy on the eyes anyway, so who am I to be picky? :P.

Feel free to comment me and let me know what you think.

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August 12, 2015

Hi, guys! I’ve noticed an influx of emails asking about the gallery and why the images aren’t accessible. I explained on our Twitter page, but I know not all of you do the social media thing or perhaps you missed the tweets. Nonetheless, here is what you need to know: The gallery is FINE and will live to see another day. The gallery may have a bunch of broken images in it for the time being but as of last night the actual image files are being uploaded to our new host. That’s over 40,000 files and 14GB worth of Chris Pine photos. So even with my super fast internet speed it’s still taking a bit of time. Long story short is that I moved the gallery from our previous host earlier this year, which is why the gallery has a new domain (no longer the .org domain) but sadly the host I moved it too recently had to shut down after over 15 years of fantastic service. So on top of having to find a new home for my Chris Pine gallery, I have also been trying to find a new home for my other sites as well. It has been a very trying week so far and it’s only eased a fraction. The positive thing is that the gallery should be back to working order tomorrow, if not Friday at the latest if something causes a delay.

I appreciate all the support for Chris and the site, and obviously your concern for the gallery. I know what joy Chris’ smile can invoke, so I can hardly blame you guys.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter if you “Tweet” so that you can receive the latest update on the gallery and more.

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December 24, 2014

I would like to take the time to wish all my site visitors and fellow fans of Chris a very joyous holiday season. May you and your families have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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