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April 28, 2009

Thanks to my girl Luciana of for sending this my way. I’m super busy this week so any new videos such as the ones I’ve already posted I will have the chance to cap shortly so expect screen captures of these recent videos to come by the end of the week. 😉

See more videos of Chris Pine @ Chris Pine Network Video Archive

Interviews : Star Trek : Video : 5 Comments : 
5 Comments to "Access Hollywood: Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto intreview"
  1. jess says:

    this was the scariest interview I have ever seen LOL
    why was the interview sooo….intense…maybe thats the word
    kudos for chris and zach holding it together…sort of lol

  2. Cu says:

    Weirdest interview ever

  3. Ian says:

    Damn that guy was exactly what you expect when you think Star Trek nerd. Was he an actual interviewer for that channel or some fan or something? Weird man.

  4. Cu says:

    I would say he is a fan chosen to make the interview…

  5. Robin says:

    That guy was creepy but way to go Zachary and Chris.