SOURCE: ( Thanks to SylarQuinto for the heads up! ) As noted in our last ShatWatch, there were two big events today: The William Shatner Horse Show, and a big Paramount press day for Star Trek. And so as soon as they wrapped up their press event, JJ Abrams and members of the Star Trek team and cast whisked across town to attend Bill’s charity horse event, and TrekMovie has the first photo of the first meeting of the new Kirks.
Although Zachary Quinto has had the opportunity to work with Leonard Nimoy, and John Cho and Zoe Saldana have had the chance to talk to the actors who originated their roles (George Takei & Nichelle Nichols), tonight was the first time that William Shatner and Chris Pine have met. The meeting of the two Kirks happened just minutes ago and a reader attending the event just sent in this photo from a camera phone: