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May 29, 2009

In light of the CPN’s 2 year anniversary coming up this June 4th, I have worked out a awesome little gift for your guys all thanks to my good friend Andreas at LJ. Each day until June 4th I will be posting 3 new preview photos of Chris’s Cliff Watts photoshoot. There are much more than 21 photos but on June 4th I will replace the already uploaded previews with the untagged photos while I continue day by day revealing 3 more photos of the set until all have been uploaded.

So moving on, here are today’s first 3 preview photos.:D

Gallery Link: Photo Sessions > Session #022

Photos : 12 Comments : 
12 Comments to "Exclusive: CW Photoshoot preview set #01"
  1. Tenika says:

    This is proof that Jesus is either a woman or had lots of love for women when he created this dude. Seriously, I would slap my mother to wake up to this man 🙂

  2. jen says:

    Good god are those beautiful! Thank you for these, can’t wait to see the rest 🙂

  3. Robin says:


  4. Holly says:

    It should be illegal to be that handsome. Jeez.

  5. Steph says:

    Yay! =) I really love that third pic the most.

  6. Joann says:

    Great pics. Thanks so much for posting, as well as your hard work on the site. 🙂

  7. Aimee says:

    Beautiful! those wonderful eyes

  8. maxdil says:

    thanks awesome! photos

  9. Celeste says:

    Christ on a cracker! Handsome don’t even begin to describe that. Thank you thank you thank you!

  10. Annelise says:


  11. Jocelyn says:

    Good lord this man is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing these.