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January 16, 2010

I’ve added 47 photos of Chris attending last nights 15th Annual Critics Choice Movie Awards in Hollywood, California. Also pictured is a long awaited Star Trek cast reunion! Or as close as one could hope! 😛

Gallery Link: 2010 > 01/15/2010 – The 15th Annual Critics Choice Movie Awards

Photos : 3 Comments : 
3 Comments to "The 15th Annual Critics Choice Movie Awards"
  1. carota says:

    Poor Chris

    so beautiful and then he wears the ugliest, most ill-fitting Jacket on the planet. No wonder he appeares so pained on the majority of photographs – aren’t there any good stylists in LA? Or a Versace or any italian Designer Boutique?

  2. Cara says:

    Yup, CP looking snazzy as ususal (dig the silk shirt…least I think it is) (: Plus I dig that Paul McCartney and Jim Cameron are in those shots.

  3. Holly says:

    The beautiful boy in the Prada suit. Love, love, love him. 🙂