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March 17, 2011

I’ve added 5 additional high quality versions of Chris from his November Details Magazine photoshoot into the gallery.

I’d like to thank for the photos. Be sure to give them a visit!

Gallery Link:
Photo Sessions > Session #032

Photos : 6 Comments : 
6 Comments to "Details Magazine photoshoot now in High Quality"
  1. Katy says:

    Hi Carol,

    I wondered whether you’d be able to shed any light on this. I keep seeing Chris’ name linked to a bollywood movie, called Singularity. Apparently Josh Hartnett is in it?
    Is there any truth in this or is this bollywood website lying?



  2. S@n says:

    Carol must be very busy! No update in a while!

    Katy I saw, there is also a time behind, the name of Chris Pine linked to the film Singularity, but I think this information is wrong!
    Chris Pine has never mentioned this movie, by the way!

    Carol I saw two photos of Chris Pine in the LA Drama Critics Theater Awards somewhere on the internet last week! You got those pictures?

    I hope you can make updates soon!

    • Carol says:

      @ S@n – Yes, I have been busy but there really hasn’t been much to post about since I try to keep the rumored projects to a minimum since there are so many.

      As for the photos from the LA Drama Critics Theater Awards, I haven’t seen any of Chris. If you happen to find them again, please feel free to email them to me and I would be happy to post them. 🙂

  3. S@n says:

    Regarding those pictures, I hoped you had gotten better pictures than these:

  4. S@n says:

    Carol, according to IMDB they finished filming “Welcome to People ” is in post- production now!
    And I know I should not comment about Chris Pine’s personal life here, but it seems he is in New York, perhaps to discuss a new project, you know his name has been linked to many.

    I do not know why, lol, but would love to see him on ” Preacher “!