I’ve added 2 photos of Chris at the ‘Super 8’ Premiere After Party from June 8. I’ll be adding more photos as I get them.

Gallery Link:
– 2011 > 06/08/11 – Super 8 Los Angeles Premiere After Party
I’ve added 2 photos of Chris at the ‘Super 8’ Premiere After Party from June 8. I’ll be adding more photos as I get them.
Gallery Link:
– 2011 > 06/08/11 – Super 8 Los Angeles Premiere After Party
Hey Carol, I do not understand that beard and that hair style!
What Chris Pine is saying to us with this?
hmmmmmmmmmm? LOL
Nice to see new pictures and Chris supporting JJ, but not a fan of that beard and hair style. Will stick to those drop dead gorgeous Details pics.
The beard makes Chris look older, but he still looks nice. Such a handsome man. I don’t think he needs to hurry up the aging process by continuing to wear the beard for too much longer. Trust me, that aging process is the only thing that we can rely on happening…:(
I saw Super 8 yesterday (9 June – NZ time). Good film. I hope Chris enjoyed it. Looks like he did. Such a nice photo of Chris Pine and JJ Abrams.
Don’t like this style very much!
Hi Carol!!
First I want to congratulate, for the PERFECT org! I like VERY MUCH Chris, your work and your persons, and I want to congratulate you for the beatiful work ^^
I your fan!! AHSUAHSU’
so.. I want to aks you, if you can follow me in twitter, facebook and if you have Orkut rsrsrs,
first, thank you, you did a perfect site *OOO* ^^
is here orkut from FC of Chris: http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Profile?uid=2643668517937220173&rl=t
Is here my twitter: @chrisw_pinefc
And again a congratulate you!!! 😀