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January 27, 2012

Would you like prime estate on the red carpet, so that the stars of This Means War are close enough to touch?! Of course, you do! Well, today is your lucky day!

Courtesy of Ellie at Think Jam, who are creating a VIP crowd pen area for those who attend the premiere, to give the best access to the stars. Here is how it could be you…

  • 1. Simply print out the flyer below and take it with you to the premiere.
  • 2. The flyer says to arrive by 6pm, however, we recommend 5:30/45 just to be cautious.

Oh, and did I mention that a select lucky few will actually get to go into the premiere as well? Sweet, right? I thought so! So get to printing my UK Pine-Nuts!

Click the image for full printing resolution.

This Means War will be in theaters on February 17th for those of you in the United Kingdom. And while you print, check out the official UK trailer for the film!

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