Check out the full article and more over at OUT.COM, including his full interview!
ON THE COVER SHOOT: I really liked the photographer [Nino Muñoz]. I liked the Avedonian vibe. I’m really way into the super contrasty black and white, how then it becomes purely about architecture of the shot. I liked especially the ones where he would frame me on the right and there’d be this swath of white, and I’m crouched down in the middle, from which you could kind of make out the details of my eyes and my arms.
ON HIS BIGGEST FLAWS: [Scoffing laugh.] I mean, where to begin? Where to begin? I have plenty of them, let’s just say that.
ON WHOSE LIFE HE’D LIKE TO HAVE IN 10 YEARS: I want to have mine. To live an interesting and joyful life. It’s kind of a simple statement. I’m very aware, having passed 30—time is of the essence, it really is, and we do get one shot, and I want to embrace and eat up every fucking moment of it. And—why not? We live in a great country, for the most part. We live in a beautiful city. We’re relatively healthy. We have access to wonderful culture. We have—for the time being, at least—freedom of expression and thought and idea. And it’s like, my God, man, this is not a bad place to live. Ideas, learn, knowledge, you know—to constantly grow.