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April 16, 2009

Summer is just about here and so are the leading actors of this seasons hottest movies. Hugh Jackman, Robert Pattinson, Chris Pine, Shia LaBeouf and Christian Bale are amongst the most handsome and talented actors of today that make “The Top Five Hot Leading Actors of Summer 2009 Film Examiner’s List.” But its not just the looks that make these guys so attractive, its more than that. These leading men are not just mere eye candy, they are also talented, savvy, charismatic, funny, charming and intelligent. With such a summer to look forward to with great movies like Star Trek, Terminator Salvation, Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, Little Ashes and XMen Origins: Wolverine, it looks to be more than just your average hot summer.

NUMBER 1 CHRIS PINE And finally the number one hot guy of summer in 2009 goes to Star Trek’s very own Chris Pine. Chris not only has the most beautiful piercing blue eyes since Robert Redford but also has a very positive outlook on things. In a recent interview he stated, “I think the most dangerous word in the English language is should. I should have done this. Or I should do that. Should implies responsibility. It connotes demand. Which is just not the case. Life ebbs and flows.” And he also understands perspective. “You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a choice of how you view it.” Sounds like our number 1 guy has got a good head on his shoulders and a good career ahead of him as he has already been slated to possibly star in the “A-Team” that will be directed by Joe Carnahan. Looks like we will be seeing more of Chris in the near future.


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April 16, 2009

I’ve added about 15 photos of Chris from the Paris, France ‘Star Trek’ press conference which were taken by UnificationFrance. I’ve also added a two other sets of photos I’ve had collecting in my documents for a little while now. The first is of Chris and Joe Quinto at the Auckland ‘Star Trek’ after party and the second is of Chris and Zachary filming the segment for

Also be sure to check out all 13 videos of Chris and the Star Trek cast at the Paris, France press conference hereon UnificationFrance’s Youtube channel! ( UnificationFrance @ )

Gallery Link: 2009 > 04/14/2009 – Press Conference for ‘Star Trek’ in Paris, France

Gallery Link: 2009 > 04/09/2009 – ‘Star Trek’ Premiere after party

Gallery Link: 2009 > Unknown – On set fiming for

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April 15, 2009

Star Trek’s Chris Pine was looking for a challenge. Then two of them arrived. Making the decision helped him clarify his goals — and changed his career

You’ve been great in ungreat things. Your career has had few opportunities. And then you’re offered two big jobs. Two different jobs. One is suited to your talents and ambitions; it is your vision of yourself. The other will make you gobs of money.

How can a man choose between self-satisfaction and well-being? Between two different versions of success? Two jobs, two women, two investments: It’s always like this. The two elements you most desire, split down different paths.

Chris Pine had a week to decide between the two jobs. And the 28-year-old actor agonized, because, well, the pinnacle of his career to that point had been The Princess Diaries 2. Not even the original! But now two movie studios wanted him: He could take a role as a disgusting, chemically imbalanced detective in the kind of gritty, actor-driven gig he’d dreamed of. Or he could play James T. Kirk in a Star Trek prequel. The character is uncomplicated. William Shatner already claimed it. Pine would be wearing spandex. But man, it’s a big movie. Big and career changing.

And he was afraid of choosing. He often is. We all are, with decisions like this. You look at each choice and weigh the regret of not going for it. Catch yourself the next time you do this: You aren’t looking forward because you’re too busy imagining what it’ll feel like to look backward, wondering what you should have done instead.

“I think the most dangerous word in the English language is should,” Pine says. “I should have done this. Or I should do that. Should implies responsibility. It connotes demand. Which is just not the case. Life ebbs and flows.” But he has still spent his life fighting the word. He can’t always forget it. So when the two jobs were offered, he talked it over with everyone he could, and spent a lot of time by himself, wondering what he should do.

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April 13, 2009

Chris PineOne of the hottest young actors in Hollywood right now is Chris Pine, who’ll hit theaters May 8th as the new Captain Kirk in “Star Trek.” But these days, the actor has his eye on another big-screen adaptation of a classic TV show.

“We’ve talked about it,” Pine revealed to MTV recently when we asked whether he had approached his old friend Joe Carnahan about reuniting for the upcoming “A-Team” movie. “I’d love to.”

Carnahan gave Pine his first big break as an action star with the 2006 film “Smokin’ Aces,” and now that the director has been handed the keys to the high-profile film adaptation of the Mr. T show, Pine has been reminding the filmmaker that “A-Team” was one of his favorite TV shows growing up.

“The [film] that I’ve had the most fun on was this movie called ‘Smokin’ Aces’ that Joe Carnahan directed – the guy that did ‘Narc’ and now he’s doing ‘The A-Team,’” Pine explained. “I played a neo-Nazi redneck hitman, which is about the farthest thing from me you can get. It was the most fun I had, because it was such a character.”

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April 12, 2009

So we went to the Opera House for the Star Trek Premiere and saw some amazing views and watched a film in it’s best possible format. it was amazing but the Biggeoff review will be up here soon enough. The next day we got to talk to Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto in the general Roundtable interview. They were cool and open and as you can tell everyone had some fun. For those not in the know on the initials CP – Chris Pine(Capt Kirk), ZQ-Zazhary Quinto(Spock), OF-Other fools , PJ-Prester John and BG-Biggeoff. So have a read and when this sucker comes out go see it.

ZQ-Hi Guys

Hi are you

OF-Welcome to Australia

It’s been great down here so far. It’s too bad we have to leave tonight.

OF-What preparation went into playing such iconic characters?

CP – Well I hadn’t been a fan originally and felt like I do some homework to steep myself in the series a little bit. I began to watch the original show in the first season and I found that for my process the more I found myself in that world , The more I watched Mr. Shatner play Capt Kirk the more that I was picking apart his performance and seeing ways that I could essentially impersonate him and that wasn’t my job. I job was to produce and original incarnation of this character. A time in this character’s journey that has not been brought to film and had not been seen yet. And that was JJ’s mandate in the beginning was that we were there to pay tribute to what has come before and there was certainly breadcrumbs along the way that it was really our job to bring a new perspective to it.

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