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April 25, 2009

I’ll post captures soon! 😉

See more videos of Chris Pine @ Chris Pine Network Video Archive

Miscellaneous : Projects : Star Trek : Video : Leave a Comment : 
April 25, 2009

As promised I have taken what spare time I have this weekend and added the hi definition captures to the gallery and uploaded the 3 new television spots onto the Video Archive. All captures are about 1920×814 in size much like the other hi definition captures from past trailers.

Am I the only one who gets a dumb smile plastered on her face when a Star Trek trailer comes on while watching TV? 😉

Gallery Link: Movie Trailers > Movie Trailer #8 ( Hi Def )
Watch Video: Star Trek ( 2009 ) > Trailer #8

Gallery Link: Movie Trailers > Movie Trailer #9 ( Hi Def )
Watch Video: Star Trek ( 2009 ) > Trailer #9

Gallery Link: Movie Trailers > Movie Trailer #10 ( Hi Def )
Watch Video: Star Trek ( 2009 ) > Trailer #10

Photos : Star Trek : Video : 3 Comments : 
April 24, 2009

As promised here are the Star Trek official posters and movie stills. Which actually include the newest ones released only yesterday!

I also have the 3 latest television spots for Star Trek to upload to the Video Archive as well Hi Def captures of all three, so keep a look out for that over the weekend. 😉

Gallery Link: Star Trek (2009) > Official Posters

Gallery Link: Star Trek (2009) > Official Photography

Photos : Star Trek : 1 Comment : 
April 22, 2009

Student Life recently got to join in on a talk with “Star Trek” stars Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto. Pine plays James Tiberius Kirk, the rebellious Iowa farm boy going full speed to nowhere. Quinto plays his opposite, Spock, the emotional half-human outcast on planet Vulcan—a world where emotions have long before been eradicated. Read on as the two actors answer questions about the movie that chronologically precedes 726 episodes, 10 movies and a legendarily loyal fan base.

Student Life: How would you describe the characters?

Zachary Quinto:
I think, it’s specific to this iteration of the story because I think if you ask Leonard, that you’ll have a different answer obviously because of his relationship to the character and because his character existed in a different sort of time. My version of Spock is definitely a little bit more unsettled. He’s less in control of the duality that exists within him. He’s much more in conflict.

Chris Pine: I think that this version of Kirk is a bit more brash and arrogant, and young essentially. We get to see this character before he becomes the confident commander of the later years, where he’s dealing with what he’s going to do with his life, whether or not he wants to face up to this challenge that’s presented to him by Captain Pike of joining Starfleet, whether he’s going to face his fears or be a victim to them.

SL: Chris, you’ve mentioned in the past a desire to do your own thing with Captain Kirk as a character. Specifically, what are some of the things that you wanted to do differently and what did you feel was essential to keep the same?

CP: It’s a difficult question because it wasn’t as if I have like a sheet of Shatner-ian characteristics that I wanted to keep and then a sheet of new things that I wanted to do in the character. There’s certain things that are just characteristics of Kirk that happen to be the same from the original version to the version that you all will see…He’s decisive and confident and can be arrogant at times. And he’s a flirt.

Continue reading

Interviews : News : Star Trek : 2 Comments : 
April 22, 2009

Thanks to Mata I’ve added a additional 19 photos of Chris from the London, UK premiere.

Gallery Link: 2009 > 04/20/2009 – London, UK Premiere of ‘Star Trek’

Photos : Star Trek : Leave a Comment : 
April 21, 2009

Gallery Link: Photo Sessions > Andrew Eccles

I’ve added another high quality photo of Chris from the Star Trek promotional shoot. 😀

Photos : Star Trek : 1 Comment :