Head to Head on the bridge of the Enterprise with the newest Captain Kirk! We had a chance to catch up with Chris Pine at a recent junket in LA and talk to him briefly about his work on the upcoming Star Trek Movie. He was able to give us insights on the look of the movie, his portrayal of Captain Kirk and most importantly.. if he managed to score any green or purple babes. Here is what he told us;
What did you bring to Star Trek because J.J. Abrams has been marveling about the character relationship in that movie?
Chris Pine: I think what’s new about this particular version of Star Trek and what J.J. and Bob (Roberto Orci) and Alex (Kurtzman) were able to bring to it that’s new and really exciting is an incredible amount of humanity to the roles for a project that could be so…you know there’s a lot of spectacle to it, there’s explosions and graphics and computer graphics and yet it’s really character driven and you really get to see why Kirk is Kirk, why Spock is Spock, how this crew got together.