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August 26, 2009

For those living under rocks and not paying any attention well listen up! Today, August 26th is our boy Chris’s 29th birthday! Yes, yes it is! I’m at a loss for words and really the only thing I can do is hope you have a amazing birthday with your family and friends. Happy Birthday Chris!

So in light of this monuments day I thought I would share a rare video of Chris from his brief guest spot on the HBO hit series “Six Feet Under” from 2005. 🙂 Feel free to share your thoughts and wishes for Chris!

Return to Chris Pine Network Video Archive
please credit the site if posted on youtube and such. thanks!

And for those who haven’t seen the captures in the gallery…

Gallery Link: Television Shows > Six Feet Under – “Dancing For Me” (2005)

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12 Comments to "HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY CHRIS!"
  1. Bea says:

    Happy Birthday Chris!!

    I wish you the best !!!

  2. Tenika says:

    Happy life anniversary Chris! Hope your day is full of fun and liquor (if you drink)

  3. Annie says:

    Happy birthday Chris! <3 [:
    Live long and prosper! \\//

  4. Steph says:

    ^^lol, yes. Happy 29th Chris! =)

  5. Liv says:

    Happy Birthday, Chris!
    I wish you all the best!
    May all your dreams come true.

    Best wishes 🙂

  6. Maverick-Werewolf says:

    Happy birthday, Chris! Can’t say much more than I hope you have a totally awesome birthday and you get to have a wonderful time with your friends & family! Wishing you the best!

  7. Marisa says:

    Happy Birthday dear Chris! best wishes 4 u in this day!!!!! a big kiss ! love ya!

  8. fran says:

    Happy Birthday Chris
    I love U

  9. Ree says:

    *raising my glass* Here’s to you Chris, Happy birthday!!!

  10. Zarthana says:

    Happy birthday Chris! Live long and prosper! XD

  11. pinelicious says:

    Happy belated birthday to Chris! 🙂

  12. N-Designs says:

    belated hapi bday cuz.