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October 11, 2009

Given his recent role as Captain James T. Kirk in this year’s phenomenally successful Star Trek, you’d be forgiven for forgetting that Chris Pine is an actor of many faces and of course, many roles.

Continuing their love-affair with all things Zombie, yet another scary, disease-ridden film has made it’s way down from the Hollywood Hills and stars the aforementioned Mr. Pine – and that film is CARRIERS.

In Álex & David Pastor’s CARRIERS, no one is safe from the viral pandemic threatening to wipe out the human race. Determined to elude the deadly virus, Danny (LOU TAYLOR PUCCI), his brother Brian (CHRIS PINE), his girlfriend Bobby (PIPER PERABO) and Danny’s school friend Kate (EMILY VANCAMP) speed across the Southwestern U.S. to reach a place of possible safety. Encouraged by a childhood memory, Danny has convinced the group that a secluded surfer beach in the Gulf of Mexico is their best bet. Once there, they can live peacefully and wait out the end of the virus to emerge into a new day as survivors of this apocalyptic disease.

The rules of their new world order are simple: take obscure roads; avoid contact with other humans at any cost. Yet their carefree attitudes start to wither the longer they travel, their childhood innocence slowly eroding amidst the remains of empty highways and towns, as they face battles with equally self-protective survivors or the infected reaching out in a hopeless bid for help.

Over the course of four days, the group is faced with moral decisions that no human should ever be forced to confront. They discover that their greatest enemy is not the virus attacking humanity, but the darkness they discover within themselves.

Carriers infects UK cinemas from 11th December 2009, check out the trailer below and don’t forget – stick to the rules!


AN: I think this is great! What do you think?

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3 Comments to "‘Carriers’ to get a December Release in the UK!"
  1. Tenika says:

    This pic scared the sh*t out of me when I clicked on to the website hahaha.

  2. Ronan says:

    That’s good news. Hope the release goes wider and reaches the Philippines.

  3. Jen says:

    Yay! finally, cant wait for December now, hopefully it will have a wider release then US and be in my area.