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April 19, 2009

I’ve added over 200+ captures of Zach and Chris from April 8th’s interview with CoolShite. This too is a good interview, very funny throughout. Chris and Zach are just awesome together <3

Gallery Link: Web Videos > 04/08/2009 – CoolShite TV interview

See more videos of Chris Pine @ Chris Pine Network Video Archive

Interviews : Photos : Star Trek : Video : 2 Comments : 
April 19, 2009

I’ve added 100+ captures of Chris along with Zach and John from the New Zealand C4TV show VSL television segments which aired on April 9th. The interview and the game segment are so funny, I totally recommend you watch them! You can watch both videos below under the cut!

Gallery Link: Web Videos > 04/09/2009 – C4TV Star Trek stars on VSL Part #01

Gallery Link: Web Videos > 04/09/2009 – C4TV Star Trek stars on VSL Part #02

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Interviews : Photos : Star Trek : Video : 2 Comments : 
April 19, 2009

I’ve added 68 captures of Chris from the New Zealand Herald interview which took place on April 9th. You can watch the interview below.

Gallery Link: Web Videos > 04/09/2009 – New Zealand Herald interview

See more videos of Chris Pine @ Chris Pine Network Video Archive

Interviews : Photos : Star Trek : Video : Leave a Comment : 
April 19, 2009

29 captures have been added into the gallery of Chris from the 6th TV spot released for Star Trek. You can check out the trailer below 🙂

Gallery Link: Star Trek (2009) > Movie Trailers > Movie Trailer #7

See more videos of Chris Pine @ Chris Pine Network Video Archive

Photos : Star Trek : Video : Leave a Comment : 
April 19, 2009

Chris, could you just talk about your own relationship with ‘Star Trek’ because you were born way after the TV show?

PINE: Way after the TV show. Growing up there were re-runs on television and I’d watch those occasionally. And my grandmother was a big William Shatner fan so we’d watch ‘T.J. Hooker’ and old ‘Star Trek’ episodes. So it was on my radar but I wasn’t a fan.

Have you met Shatner?

PINE: I have not. I wrote him a letter early on in the process and just introduced myself. I just wanted to let him know that I was going to do my best to bring to life this part of Kirk’s journey and do justice to the wonderful job that he had done for 40 years. And he wrote me back very promptly and said, “Thank you so much.” “I wish you all the best of luck and let’s grab some lunch some time soon” which we have not but he’s a busy guy. Actually my father, who’s also an actor, did a Priceline commercial with him about two or three weeks after I found out I had the part; so ironic, strange. And he’d also been on ‘Star Trek’ too, my father.

For someone who has never seen ‘Star Trek’, how would you describe James T Kirk?

PINE: James Kirk is angry, arrogant, brash young punk who is masking an incredible amount of insecurity and fear. He came from a broken home and is searching for something to do with his life. It is clear what he wants but he also isn’t sure if he wants to contend with the great shadow his father has cast over him. The interesting part of the journey is his learning how to harness all of the emotions born from this conflict, from this misguided young man into the focused confident commander that he later becomes. He is no superhero but rather an everyday kinda guy faced with a tremendous challenge. And even though he gets beat down he always picks himself up again.

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April 18, 2009 posted the UK review of ‘Star Trek’ which is actually worth the entire read, but for those interested in what was said about Chris then you can see it below. Read the full review here.

Yet scriptwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, and of course Pine and Quinto who play the duo, succeed brilliantly in this aim and give the movie (and hopefully the ensuing franchise) its heart and soul. The pair are just perfectly cast. Pine looks and sounds nothing like Shatner, but gets right to the essence of Kirk’s character with his combination of rough-shod charm and cocky arrogance. The actor looks like just another product of Hollywood’s bland pretty-boy conveyor belt, but actually proves extremely charismatic and nails the part.

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