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October 11, 2009

Given his recent role as Captain James T. Kirk in this year’s phenomenally successful Star Trek, you’d be forgiven for forgetting that Chris Pine is an actor of many faces and of course, many roles.

Continuing their love-affair with all things Zombie, yet another scary, disease-ridden film has made it’s way down from the Hollywood Hills and stars the aforementioned Mr. Pine – and that film is CARRIERS.

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October 06, 2009

I’d like to thank Amber of our Chris community over on Livejournal for scanning and posting this great article. This is what Amber had to say in her post:

okay well he says it’s “a good movie” not “a great movie” and he doesn’t even really talk about Chris BUT STILL. I was glad to see that someone else was also disappointed that Carriers didn’t get a wider release. Especially since that someone is a widely popular best-selling author and blogger for Entertainment Weekly. In his article this month, Mr. King bemoans the fact that small-scale, well made films like Carriers can’t even get shown in all fifty states, while Transformers 2 is playing on 5 screens at your local AMC.

You can read the entire article below by clicking the photo.


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October 02, 2009

Calgary based NOMADIC PICTURES is pleased to announce the Premiere of Season 2 of its wine & travel TV series “HOLLYWOOD & VINES.” The TV series will debut on Sunday, September 27th, 2009 at 7:30 pm (EST) across Canada on Super Channel.

The TV Series is hosted by JASON PRIESTLEY (“Beverly Hills 90210”), and TERRY DAVID MULLIGAN (“The Tasting Room”).

“HOLLYWOOD & VINES” is a high energy weekly half-hour series celebrating wine and the celebrities who love it. Priestley and Mulligan explore the best in wine, food and travel and take viewers along for the ride. “Hollywood & Vines” mixes enthusiastic vintners, wine festival goers, star chefs, sommeliers, restaurateurs and celebs in a quick-witted documentary style program that crushes all aristocratic wine barriers. The production filmed for FIVE (5) weeks in and around Niagara, Halifax, the Okanagan Valley, Napa Valley, Sonoma, Washington, Italy, and Spain. Just some of the 50+ celebrities on the show include Russell Crowe, George Clooney, Robin Williams, Dan Aykroyd, Daniel Craig, Bill Pullman, Alan Rickman, Eric McCormack, Kim Basinger, Michael Douglas, Sienna Miller, Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood, Chris Pine, Dean Cain, Jonathan Silverman, and Wayne Gretzky.


AN: If anyone living in Canada can catch Chris when he’s shown on this show as I am not able to since I live in the US, feel free to donate it to the site ( I would greatly appreciate it! 😀

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September 12, 2009

I have found & collected some fairly good reviews for ‘Carriers’. You’ll find that, no, they are not praising but this film wasn’t even expected to see theater time from my knowledge until Chris’s big success in ‘Star Trek’ this past summer. I do have to say I’m pleased with the overall reviews and ratings I’ve read for ‘Carriers’, as none are insulting or ridiculing, merely a breakdown of the plot and comments on the story which the movie and the characters are trying to tell.

All four actors do a fine job fleshing out their roles, with Pine demonstrating a less appealing side of the cockiness he brought to James T. Kirk and well-matched with the spunky Perabo.

You can read the full review here @

Actually, the only bad thing about “Carriers” is its trailer, which gives moviegoers the false impression that the feature film may evolve into a zombie flick. By no stretch of the imagination does this movie belong to the horror genre. Rather, it is a methodical thriller about the humanity’s response to its own demise. And, as the movie suggests, that is the most terrifying monster of all.

You can read the full review here @ Phoenix Movie Examiner

Now, contrary to what the trailer, ad campaign, and net buzz would lead you to believe, Carriers is not a zombie movie. Yes, there is a viral epidemic and yes, it wipes out most of the human race. But rather than turning those infected into violent, mindless, flesh-eating ghouls, it simply brings them a slow and painful death. And in a way, this helps the film.

You can read the full review here @ Pittsburgh Horror Movie Examiner

Chris Pine carries the film for much of its length. As the group’s de facto leader, his character Brian is a charming prick who does anything necessary to keep himself and his brother alive. The group’s motto, “the sick are already dead,” leads this film into morally ambiguous territory and forces the characters to make difficult decisions. In this world, if the disease doesn’t get you, the survivors might.

You can read the full review here @

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September 12, 2009

Hollywood’s biggest stars participate in epic Beyond All Boundaries opening in November only in New Orleans

When it premieres November 6, Beyond All Boundaries, the 4-D cinematic experience at The National World War II Museum, will feature the voices of Hollywood’s biggest names portraying everyday soldiers and servicemen as they fought to preserve our country’s freedom, and the journalists who covered it in their own words.

The exclusive production features an all-star cast including Tom Hanks joined by Kevin Bacon, Corbin Bleu, Patricia Clarkson, Kevin Connolly, James Cromwell, Blythe Danner, Viola Davis, Jessie Eisenberg, John Goodman, Neil Patrick Harris, Kevin Jonas, Justin Long, Tobey Maguire, Daran Norris, Wendell Pierce, Chris Pine, Brad Pitt, Bill Sadler, Gary Sinise and Elijah Wood, among others.

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September 01, 2009

Chris is nominated for his role as Captain James T. Kirk in this years re-make of Star Trek along with the movie itself for the SpikeTV 2009 Scream Awards! Be sure to vote for Chris here @ SpikeTV! Lets knock the “Twilight” off the radar! 😛

The show will air on October 27th at 10PM on SpikeTV. Below are the categories which Chris is nominated for:
The Ultimate Scream
Drag Me To Hell
Let The Right One In
Star Trek
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

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